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5 Signs of Stellar Mental Health

Here’s a shocking statistic: according to the World Health Organization, 1 in every 8 people suffers from a mental health disorder. This silent monster goes as far as leading people to self-harm, with more than 700,000 dying each year from suicide.

These statistics are a wake-up call for people to take their mental health seriously. While you could be taking proactive steps to boost your intellectual health, how do you know you’ve achieved that goal?

Here are the key signs of stellar mental health.

5 Signs of Stellar Intellectual Health

You know you have achieved excellent mental health if:

1. You Are Content

The first sign of stellar mental health is feeling happy and content with your life.

You tend to experience joy, happiness, love, and compassion when you are intellectually healthy. These emotions put you in a good mood most of the time, helping you adopt positive approaches to different circumstances.

Additionally, feeling content with your life limits self-blame for situations or happenings beyond your control. You also take responsibility for your actions without feeling like the victim where you are at fault.

2. You Are Receptive to Mental Health Fluctuations

Another sign of good mental health is being aware and okay with mental health changes. You understand that you won’t be happy all the time; there are seasons when you will be emotionally low, too. Being intellectually healthy makes you receptive to these changes, good or bad. Hence, you become more resilient because you understand negative emotions pass with time, giving way to positive ones.

You are also willing to try therapy, indicating you are self-aware that you need help to keep your mental health at stellar levels most of the time.

3. You Live a Healthy Lifestyle

Living a healthy life could also indicate you have stellar intellectual health. This includes eating well, regular exercise, and sleeping well. Most people don’t realize that poor lifestyle choices impact mental health. This is courtesy of being in bad shape, in a bad mood, distracted, and unable to manage your stress and anxiety levels.

Have a healthy self-focus and take care of yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Taking care of yourself reflects on your intellectual well-being because of the mind-body connection.

A healthy lifestyle tunes you to what your mind and body need. Hence, you are more likely to notice emotional changes and take proactive steps to counter the negative ones before they dilapidate your intellectual stability.

4. You Maintain Meaningful Relationships

Intellectually healthy people also tend to maintain more meaningful relationships.

You are more likely to love, respect, and fairly treat people who bring value to your life and boost your mental health. Also, if your mental health is stellar, you are less likely to pay attention to people who bring you down emotionally.

An emotionally stable person regularly evaluates their inner circle. This is essential to help you to filter out people who waste your time, money, and energy without giving anything in return. Rather than staying in abusive relationships, you are in control of your mental peace and set healthy boundaries.

Ultimately, your close circle is a significant indicator of a healthy mental state.

5. You Are Willing to Explore Beyond Your Comfort Zone

A key sign of good mental health is being willing to explore new things. It could be your goals, like starting a new business or trying new adventures. The fact that you want to risk the unknown shows you are mentally strong.

You are less likely to see a depressed person willing to try new things. They struggle with negative thoughts about themselves and their circumstances and don’t know how to haul themselves out of that situation.  

But being willing to put yourself out there and stretch beyond your comfort zone takes resilience. Even if you fail, you have healthy coping mechanisms and try to overcome the challenges regardless of their difficulty.

So, if you identify as a risk taker, you are probably intellectually healthy.

Are You Taking Care of Your Mental Health?

You will know you have achieved intellectual well-being when you are happy, understand mental changes, live healthily, maintain good relationships, and are willing to take risks. You, however, need to realize that the journey toward mental stability is constant.

So, surround yourself with a supportive inner circle, and don’t shy away from seeking help.

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